We’re the employees you would hire if you could. Responsive, helpful, and dedicated in ways automation simply can’t be. We’re your team.
Each month we recognize one of our Most Helpful Humans in Hosting.
Josh is a born and raised Michigander, hailing from the state capitol of Lansing. Growing up, he was always interested in technology and computers, so it was no surprise when he joined the Army on active duty after leaving high school as a computer technician. His six years stint in Germany led him to fall in love with the European lifestyle. He decided to come back to Michigan while serving another eight years in the Reserves, and starting looking for a new career path.
In 2013, he found a career at Liquid Web on the retail side as a Windows Technician, eventually working his way up the ladder to a Windows Manager and his eventual role as a Linux 1st Shift Manager. Josh now manages one of the largest teams at Liquid Web. His team is on the front lines, helping ensure our customers’ hosting environments are optimized and online 24/7/365.
We wanted to find out why Josh loves working at Liquid Web.
What draws you to the hosting industry as a career?
Every single day in the world of hosting is completely different than the next. I love the diversity of clients, websites, infrastructure, and industries that we get to work with directly. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are located: your business needs an online presence. That’s where my team can help.
Is there something specific at Liquid Web that you just love?
I absolutely love my team and our executive leadership. Everyone, from the top to the bottom at Liquid Web, are exceptional human beings. Equally as important, everyone at Liquid Web is free to be their own, unique person. The culture that we have built is superb and helps people to really become their best versions of themselves while gaining amazing experiences at a global company.
What’s your favorite part about the company culture at Liquid Web?
No matter what hobby you may be into, you’ll find someone else at Liquid Web that shares the same interest! We have gamers, cooks, mechanics, blacksmiths, pilots, and everything in between within our ranks, which is both fun and interesting.
In your eyes, what’s the difference between Liquid Web and other employers?
Our senior leadership team genuinely cares about our customers and our employees. They know most of our family members from work parties and events, and they even remember birthdays, work anniversaries, and personal tidbits. Best of all, they are accessible to every single employee.
Being able to communicate directly with anyone, including our CEO Jim Geiger, is amazing and unparalleled. It’s a great feeling to know if you email an executive, they’ll respond personally to you!
What is the biggest milestone you’ve accomplished?
Taking over a Linux Support team was a huge step for me. I started at Liquid Web as a Windows Technician, and eventually took over managing the Windows Team. Eventually I progressed to lead the larger Linux Support Team. I hadn’t administered Linux since I was overseas so it took a few weeks to get back into the swing of things!
Tell us about a truly rewarding experience you’ve had with a customer.
There was a time when while I was working as a Technician that a customer jokingly offered to keep me on the line longer so I could get some overtime after I resolved his issue. I was heading to Las Vegas that weekend for the first time, and he wanted to make sure I was “well prepared,” as he liked to put it.
All kidding aside, Liquid Web has built something truly special with their customers. It’s a give-and-take relationship where both parties work together to create a better world, both offline and online.
What are you known for at Liquid Web? What do people specifically come to you for?
I’m a connector for solving issues. Many colleagues in other departments come to me because I always know where to point them when they need help with an issue. Having over seven years in the company, with five of those as a manager, gives me a great view to direct questions or problems for resolution.
What is one thing you wish our customers knew about their hosting?
My technicians are really good at a diverse set of tasks to solve many issues. However, every site is built different, so we don’t know all the intricacies of your setup. We also don’t support code. Make sure your developer is able to explain what they need so that we are able to help as best as possible.
Work aside, what are some of your hobbies?
I’m a self-professed geek. I love video games, reading, super heroes (check out DC’s Young Justice, it’s amazing), and the big three: Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Disney. I also just moved into a new house and have been spending a ton of time writing and making new recipes, as I love to cook.
What is your favorite app?
I used an app called “Smoke Free” this past year to help me quit smoking. It counts the time you’ve stopped, how much money you’ve saved, tricks for getting past cravings, and a slew of other tools. Highly recommended for those looking to stop smoking for good.
If you could have dinner with one famous person [dead or alive] who would it be?
Jon Faverau hands down; he is a key storyteller in the Marvel, Star Wars, and Disney universes, and he’s an amazing cook. I’d love to sit down, chat, and have a few beers over a meal. If I get to bring my lovely girlfriend Amanda, I would choose Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis. They do such amazing charity work and have used their fame as a platform to run campaigns to help others.
The post Meet a Helpful Human – Josh Langfeldt appeared first on Liquid Web.